1350 & 1410 N 1st St, Hamilton MT

The storage and passive income elements of Merchants Moving and Storage is being offered in this package.  There is 4.77 acres in Victor with 98 mini storages behind a chain link fence and an approximately 3700 square foot truck shop that is used by the moving company.  The shop is currently owner occupied but could be separately rented.  The shop has a loft area as well as office space.  The Hamilton facility consists of 125 storage units plus a 10,000 square foot warehouse used by the moving company as well as 2000 square feet of office space occupied by the moving company.  The Hamilton facility is located on Montana Rail Link leased ground and encompasses 3.02 acres for a combined leasable square footage of 53,600 square feet of buildings on 7.79 acres (3.02 acres leased).  The moving component must sell before the real estate and improvements sell.  Please call Craig Siphers at 406-360-9108 or your real estate professional

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